Boa Mata Horse

Boa Mata Horse

  • Scientific name:
    Constrictor Constrictor

This snake has an elongated head, with a large black band from the snout to the nape including the eye and tail has reddish coloration.

Boa Mata Horse

  • Constrictor Constrictor

His body is yellowish brown; the back has large black spots in the manner of closed rings. It measures between 4m to 5.5m, with females larger than males.

It feeds mainly on mammals and birds. Kill their prey by squeezing them very hard until they are strangled. Due to its narrow vision, it depends on its language to detect its prey

They like to walk alone and their activity is done at night, they spend the day hidden among the branches of trees or hollows of old logs. The juveniles prefer the bushes; while, adults prefer to climb trees to ambush their prey. She also frequently goes down to the ground in search of water and is a good swimmer. Change or change your skin frequently

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