False Cobra

False Cobra

  • Scientific name:
    Rhagerhis moilensis

The name of false cobra vulgar comes from the fact that this is not a cobra but imitates the posture of a cobra by the deployment of its neck forming a hood and whistling like a cobra when it feels threatened.

False Cobra

  • Rhagerhis moilensis

It can grow up to 1.5 meters in length, although most of the adult specimens are somewhat smaller than one meter, and on the other hand they have been able to find specimens of up to almost 2m in more peculiar cases. It has large reddish eyes and round pupils.

His head is something triangular. A distinctive feature of that laserpiente has a black spot that extends from the cheek to the angle of the jaw. It has a slightly yellowish earth color with a checkered background with brown spots that are distributed along the body. The surface of the belly is usually a light cream color and may have some reddish spots.

Its poison is harmless for the human being, but if it is possible to inject (since when being opistoglifa it has the fangs in the back part of its jaw) the pain can be quite intense and produce a good inflammation. It has 17 rows of scales. It is a diurnal species.

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