Manjuari Fish

Manjuari Fish

  • Scientific name:
    Atractosteus tristoechus

It comes from Cuba, from humid and tropical islands.

Manjuari Fish

  • Atractosteus tristoechus

This fish comes from Cuba, it is a fish that lives in fast waters.

It is carnivorous and also feeds on small fish.

The Manjuarí is one of the most primitive freshwater fish on the planet. It has a cylindrical and elongated body with scales joined in a kind of plate marked by dots, which is of great hardness and used as a natural defense against the attack of predators such as other larger fish and crocodiles. The head is flat and the skull has extremely hard external bones, it has a snout with sharp teeth. His body, covered by a mucous coating, allows him to move quickly in the water to attack his prey or flee from predators.

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