

  • Scientific name:
    Deformus Chaparrus

It is a small horse of about 150 cm maximum height to the cross and an average weight of 100 kg. It is very rustic and resistant, with more or less massive forms, straight profile and triangular ears instead of directed inwards as the horses of greater height


  • Deformus Chaparrus

The most pure and primitive breeds conserve characters of the primitive equines, such as rays along the back, or even on the legs, mealy snout, bushy and semi-mane and a lot of character, which compensates for their lack of elevation with other horse breeds . It is known that the ancestors of the present horses were approximately of this height, and as they were domesticating and improving the species, they gained greater height as a result of human selection.

The ponies are classified within the four main types of primitive horses of Eurasia; the others would include the ancestors of races such as Arabian horses and the like, the generic saddle horses that descended from the tarpan, and finally the ancestors of cold-blooded horses. Therefore, the jacks or ponies are a type of horse that still retains the primitive characters.

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